Advertising - Pubblicità

On the Catalog and Site Internet.

The Beverly Group puts out and distributes the Travel Agency Catalog of the Beverly Vacanze 50+ portal web.

It’s distributed to professionals from the travel industry, hotel chains, airlines, tour operators, travel agencies, embassies, international institutions and non-governmental organizations, as well as to representation offices in Around the World and Consumer.

Technical Features

  • Language: Italian, English, Spanish
  • Edition: 10 000 copies per issue
  • Periodicity: Semestral, with two issues a year
  • Number of pages: 22 + 2 cover
  • Format: 21 x 29,7 cm
  • Cover: Bright couché paper of 250 grams, 4/4 inks.
  • Interior: Bright couché paper of 100 grams, 4/4 inks
  • Binding: Staples

Other Specifications:

  • Discount offers are made depending on the volume of inserted ads in each publication.
    • 2 inserted ads …… 5%
    • 4 inserted ads …… 10%
  • Design and final graphic arts are not included in the inserted ad price and could offer additional discounts of up to 15 percent off.
  • Final graphic arts should comply with established technical and commercial requirements.
  • Illustrations and images must be handed over in real size with at least 300 DPI resolution.
  • In the case of contracting publicity reports, they should have 60 percent of illustrations and 40 percent of texts.

Insertion Fares

Back Page 5200.00 Euros
Back Page Reverse 3850.00 Euros
Back Cover 3850.00 Euros
One Page 3500.00 Euros
Half a Page 1900.00 Euros
Quarter of a Page 1200.00 Euros


What is Beverly Vacanze Group?
Beverly Vacanze Group is an online resource for confirmed travelers who have booked their travel through CRS enabled travel agent.  Currently, over 4,300 travel agencies worldwide (3,100 in the ITALY.) rely on Beverly Vacanze Group as their exclusive travel agency co-branded website.

How does Beverly Vacanze Group work?
Once a travel component is booked, the agent emails a unique URL address to the traveler that links them directly to their upcoming real time itinerary as well as contextually relevant, strategically placed offers. All Beverly Vacanze Group users are confirmed travelers or select individuals with whom the traveler wishes to share their itinerary information (typically executive assistants, spouses, etc.)

punto elenco 65% male, 35% female
punto elenco 83% ages 25-54
punto elenco 69% college graduates
punto elenco Average individual income:  € 86,000+
punto elenco 63% professional and/or top-level executives
punto elenco 41% work for companies of 5,000+ employees
punto elenco 75% own a mobile phone
punto elenco 35% have an electronic organizer
punto elenco Take an average of 14 overnight trips per year
punto elenco ~  11 business trips
punto elenco ~  3  leisure trips
Psychographics (lifestyle, buying habits, etc.):  Beverly Vacanze Group users are:
punto elenco Technophiles - Beverly Vacanze Group users are above the national average on ownership of high-tech products.
punto elenco Internet savvy - They use it regularly to shop and buy.  On average, our users have been online for more than seven year.
punto elenco Active - Frequent travel is a career requirement, but they also have a high propensity for leisure travel.  They spend their free time with their families, going to the beach, shopping or attending sporting and cultural events.
punto elenco Buyers - Compared to the average Web user, their spending is higher in several categories, including technology, financial and entertainment.
Value Proposition
Why should I advertise on Beverly Vacanze Group?
punto elenco Top Tier + Difficult to reach demographic:  Beverly Vacanze Group users are all active, affluent, confirmed travelers who book their travel through a traditional (offline) travel agent.  These are travelers who are unreachable on a traditional travel site.
punto elenco Loyal users:  Users typically return to Beverly Vacanze Group 2.5 times before their travel date
punto elenco Valued impressions:  Your contextually relevant message is delivered to the right person at the right time with little/no "wasted" impressions
punto elenco Highly targetable:  With the wide variety of pages and features on Beverly Vacanze Group, you can pinpoint just the users you want.  For example, a hotel can target just those users who have booked their air but have not yet booked their lodging.

Advertising Opportunities/Targeting Capabilities
There are a total of 30 advertising positions on Beverly Vacanze Group!  In addition to the Home page and Itinerary page, there is a wide variety of targeted advertising opportunities and positions to reach your desired audience.
All advertising packages start with impressions allocated to the Home page, Itinerary pages and/or run of site impressions.  In addition, enhance your buy by including targeting using:
punto elenco Origination City
punto elenco Day of week
punto elenco Destination city
punto elenco Electronic ticketing
punto elenco Class of service
punto elenco Overnight stay
punto elenco Airline
punto elenco Cruise booking present
punto elenco Gender
punto elenco Rail booking present
punto elenco Departure date
punto elenco Number in party
punto elenco Arrival date
punto elenco Length of stay
punto elenco Hotel booking present
punto elenco Hotel property code
punto elenco Car booking present
OR, target any of these Beverly Vacanze Group pages:
punto elenco Gate information
punto elenco E-mail itinerary
punto elenco E-mail confirmation
punto elenco eTicket Receipt
punto elenco eInvoice
punto elenco Destination Services
punto elenco Weather
punto elenco Maps
punto elenco Currency Converter
punto elenco Destination Guide
punto elenco Hotel Guide
punto elenco Mobile Services

Advertising Specifications
*  Accepted formats include GIF, GIF 89, JPEGs, Html and continuous animation looping
*  Rich Media:  Flash and most other rich media technologies are also accepted.  Please contact your Partner Marketing representative or email for more details.
* Ad dimensions and maximum file sizes Standard: Rich Media:
punto elenco 468x60
12k 15k
punto elenco 120x240
12k 15k
punto elenco 234x60
10k 12k
punto elenco 400x15
5k 8k
punto elenco 120x600
20k 20k
*  Sizes listed for initial download    

Advertising Policy
As a travel agency co-branded website, the intention is to direct the user BACK TO THEIR TRAVEL AGENT, as opposed to linking them off the site to book.  The following advertising policies apply to travel industry clients:
punto elenco Banners cannot contain a live/hot link to an advertiser's web site if it contains a booking engine
punto elenco Messages cannot contain the advertiser's web address or phone number within the advertising text (SVT supports travel agents and does not allow booking bypass)
punto elenco Ads cannot contain any reference that encourages a consumer to call a reservation center or access the Internet for web fares

Advertising Rates

Price Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
  € 5,000 € 15,000 € 12,500 € 37,500 Over € 50,000
CPM € 17.50 € 15.00 € 12.50 € 10.00 € 7.50
Length of Program 1-2 Months 2-3 months 3-6 months 4-8 months Annual
Total Impressions 285,000 833,000 1,800,000 3,750,000 7,000,000
Number of targets 5 10 15 19 19


Frequently Asked Questions
My goal is to increase sales and reduce distribution costs.  Can we link travelers to our website for bookings?
Not at this time.  Remember, travel agents are still the largest distribution channel for travel.  Travelers who use Beverly Vacanze Group are managed travelers who reply upon their travel agent for air *27%), hotel & service (64%) and car (9%) reservations.

Why would I advertise to confirmed travelers?  Haven't they already made their purchase decisions?
Not necessarily.  For example, with Beverly Vacanze Group you can target a traveler who does not have a car or hotel reservation and deliver your offer to him.  You will be targeting the exact customer you want and will not waste impressions.

How can I measure the success of my campaign?
It's no different than other media buys.  We can provide click through rates and help you with conversions, provided there is a unique booking code associated with your offer.  How do you measure your other online media buys today?

What makes Beverly Vacanze Group different than other travel sites?
Beverly Vacanze Group delivers your messages to the right person at the right time saving you thousands of wasted impressions!  Not to mention that Beverly Vacanze Group has a very desirable demographic.

What is the mix of business travelers to leisure travelers who access SVT?
13% access Beverly Vacanze Group for business only, 54% access Beverly Vacanze Group for leisure only, 33% access Beverly Vacanze Group for both.

Who are some of the clients you've worked with before?
Beverly Vacanze Group has worked with most of the major airlines, car rental companies, hoteliers and cruise lines.  Other advertising partners outside the travel vertical include: Convention and Visitors Bureaus, phone rental companies, long distance service providers and mobile phone companies.  We also have worked with several restaurants and specialty vendors.

Who typically advertises on Beverly Vacanze Group?
Common advertisers are destinations, hotels, car rental agencies, airlines, travel-related advertisers and everyone in-between.

Where can my ad link to?
That depends upon what you are advertising:

Destinations - Destinations can link to their site.

Hotels, Airlines & Car Rental Agencies - All must link to a jump page with NO booking capabilities.  Page must state to 'call your travel agent to book'.

Travel-Related advertisers and everyone in-between - Non-supplier/competitor advertisers will be allowed to link off the site to their own assuming they do not offer travel booking capabilities or link to/powered by a competitor.


How much inventory is available on Beverly Vacanze Group?
Each month more than one and a half million confirmed travelers visit Beverly Vacanze Group.

What rates can I advertise on Beverly Vacanze Group?

Beverly Vacanze Group is designed with the Travel Agent in mind. 

For more information about advertising on BEVERLY GROUP -

 please contact the Partner marketing group at: